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出国留学会计专业英语对话 会计面试英语口语

2024-03-24 03:03:52 | 宏源网

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出国留学会计专业英语对话 会计面试英语口语





How many brothers and sisters and do you have?Do you have any siblings?



I have two older sisters and they got married already.



What do you plan to do in the future? What is your plan for your future?



I will study hard first and I will come back to China when I finish my study in the US because China become more and more stronger and there are a lot of chances in China.



Do you like America?



I like American campus life.



Do you have any relative in America?






What is your interest/hobby?



Basketball, football and Ping-Pong and so on.




Do you know how to apply for a visa to the U.S.?



Yes. Log on to the website of the United States Embassy in Beijing and fill in the application forms.



And then?



Then make an appointment by telephone and wait for the interview.



What's the fee for application?



780 RMB.




Where can I apply for a new visa?



At the Exit/Entry Administration Division of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.



Do you know what I'll need to apply?



Your new passport, temporary residence certificate, application form, passport photos, a police report for your lost passport etc.



What is a "temporary residence certificate?"



It shows your proof of residency in Beijing and is issued by your local police station.


出国留学会计专业英语对话 会计面试英语口语





A: Have you taken Accounting for Decision-Making and Control?


B: No,we have not taken such a course, but we have taken a more specialized course for decision making, by the name of Forecasting and Decision-Making.

没有,但我们学了一门更专业的有关决策的课程,名字叫《预测与 决策》。

A: What are your responsibilities in your present work?


B: My work involves various routine bookkeeping and basic accounting tasks.


journal entry会计分录; entry进入,登记,记账; reconcile使和谐,查出

A: You can speak English fluently but I wonder if you can deal with bookkeeping and accounting in English.


B: No problem. The professional English course is just English for Accounting. Moreover, the Atlantic Trading Company is a Sino-Australian joint venture. When I served part-time there, I became well acquainted with accounting operated in English.


A: Are you familiar with the PRC Financial and Tax Regulations?


B: I think so.是的。

PRC = Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国

A: What's the creditor's equity?债权人净资产值是什么?

B: The creditor's equity is the same as liabilities.




A: Are you familiar with America-styled accounting?


B: Yes. I had worked as an assistant accountant with IBM China. Inc. 是的。我曾经在IBM中国公司做过助理会计。


会计 accounting

决策人 Decision Maker

投资人 Investor

股东 Shareholder

债权人 Creditor

财务会计 Financial Accounting

管理会计 Management Accounting

成本会计 Cost Accounting

私业会计 Private Accounting

公众会计 Public Accounting

注册会计师 CPA Certified Public Accountant

国际会计准则委员会 IASC

美国注册会计师协会 AICPA

财务会计准则委员会 FASB

管理会计协会 IMA

美国会计学会 AAA

税务稽核署 IRS

独资企业 Proprietorship

合伙人企业 Partnership

公司 Corporation

会计目标 Accounting Objectives

会计假设 Accounting Assumptions

会计要素 Accounting Elements

会计原则 Accounting Principles

会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures

财务报表 Financial Statements

财务分析Financial Analysis

会计主体假设 Separate-entity Assumption

货币计量假设 Unit-of-measure Assumption

持续经营假设 Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption

会计分期假设 Time-period Assumption

资产 Asset 宏源网

负债 Liability

业主权益 Owner's Equity

收入 Revenue

费用 Expense

收益 Income

亏损 Loss

历史成本原则 Cost Principle

收入实现原则 Revenue Principle

配比原则 Matching Principle

全面披露原则 Full-disclosure (Reporting) Principle

客观性原则 Objective Principle

一致性原则 Consistent Principle

可比性原则 Comparability Principle

重大性原则 Materiality Principle

稳健性原则 Conservatism Principle

权责发生制 Accrual Basis

现金收付制 Cash Basis

财务报告 Financial Report

流动资产 Current assets

流动负债 Current Liabilities

长期负债 Long-term Liabilities

投入资本 Contributed Capital

留存收益 Retained Earning


出国留学会计专业英语对话 会计面试英语口语


Todd: Anita, I thought we would talk about money and investments.

Anita: OK.

Todd: So, you're pretty young.

Anita: Yes.

Todd: And how old are you?

Anita: I am 23.

Todd: 23, so that's very young. So as a young person, do you think about your future and saving and retirement?

Anita: I think about my immediate future. I'm not too worried about my retirement just yet, simply because I think you never know : will you retire? will you not retire? I mean, sometimes people get so caught up planning for retirement and saving money for retirement and they don't get to enjoy their life.

Todd: Right. But I think, like, I'm getting older. I'm 37 right, so...

Anita: That's still young.

Todd: It's still fairly young, but I think everybody that's my age wishes we had started saving when we were your age.

Anita: I agree. I agree. I'm not thinking about retirement but I'm definitely thinking about my immediate future. What will I do after university? Because right now, I'm a graduate student. When I was an undergraduate, I never thought about saving. I just was worried about paying monthly bills, paying my rent, things like that, so I was worried about having enough money to pay the current expenses. I wasn't worried about savings, but now that I'm a graduate student and I'm about to finish my education, I have to think about what will I do after university. Where will I go? If I look for a job, maybe I will have to travel somewhere. Maybe there will be a period of time when I will not have a job, so that, yes, I am worried about, so right now I'm thinking about savings for that part of my life.

Todd: Now, Anita, you're married, correct?

Anita: Yes.

Todd: So is finances something that you normally talk with your hu *** and or is it something that you still are used to doing separately and independently?

Anita: No, no, no. We have joint accounts. Any financial things we discuss.

Todd: Right, yeah, cause I think especially with marriage, that's probably always one of the main things is money.

Anita: You see, for me personally, I don't think how I could... I cannot imagine that I would be married to somebody and have two separate bank accounts: one for him and one for me. I don't think that would work for me personally.

Todd: Yeah, it does actually sound strange.

Anita: Because then, think about it, if you go for dinner with your hu *** and, who pays?

Todd: Right.

Anita: And if it's him paying all the time, well that's not fair towards him, so I think once you're in the marriage together, once you're doing everything together, you might as well be saving and spending together as well.

Todd: You're right. That makes perfect sense, but I think in the U.S. nowadays it's mon now for couples to have separate checking accounts.

Anita: It is and, even my parents had that for awhile. I personally don't like it because to me it seems like a back door. If somebody had two accounts and they're married to me it's a way of saying, "I love you and I'm married to you, but just in case something happens to us, I've got my own account to depend on.

Todd: Great point.

Anita: And to me, personally, I will do my upmost best for my relationship not to get to that point, so because I am not even taking that into consideration, I'm not acting that way right now.

Todd: Well said.
Situation: Lintel, a puter chip manufacturing pany, currently has a job opening in its Finance department. John Miller is the first applicant to be interviewed this morning by Lintel’s Finance Manager Mike Gates.

Mike: Good Morning, John. I am Mike.

John: Good Morning.

Mike: How are you doing?

John: I am doing fine. Thank you.

Mike: How was the traffic ing over here?

John: I am so glad that the traffic was light this morning. No traffic jam and no accidents.

Mike: That is good. John, let’s start the interview. Are you ready?

John: Yes, I am.

Mike: First of all, let me properly introduce myself. I am the Finance Department Manager. As you know there is an open position in my department, and I need to fill this position as soon as possible.

John: Please, tell me a little bit about the position.

Mike: It is an entry-level position. The new employee will have to work closely with the Accounting department. He will also have to deal with the bank on a daily basis.

John: What type of qualifications do you require?

Mike: I require a four-year college degree in Finance. Some working experience would be helpful.

John: What kind of experience are you looking for?

Mike: Doing office work is good. However, since this is an entry-level position, I do not require a lot of experience. I am willing to train the new person.

John: That is great!

Mike: John, tell me a little bit about yourself.

John: I was a student at West Coast University, and I just graduated with a Bachelor degree in Finance. I have been working part-time as a payroll clerk for the last two years.

Mike: What are you looking for in a job?

John: The job should help me see what Finance is all about. I have learned a lot of Finance theories at school, and now it is time for me to put them into practice.

Mike: Anything else?

John: I also hope that it will help me grow in my field.

Mike: What are your strengths? Why should I hire you?

John: I am a hard-working person and a fast learner. I am very eager to learn, and I get along fine with people.

Mike: OK. Now, let me ask you a few quick questions. You do not mind working long hours, do you?

John: No, I do not.

Mike: Can you handle pressure?

John: Yes, I can. When I was going to school, I took quite a few courses each semester while working at least twenty hours every week. And, I handled that situation very well.

Mike: Do you still have any questions for me?

John: No, I think I have a pretty good understanding of the job. I believe that I can handle it with ease, and I hope to have the opportunity to work for you.

Mike: John, nice meeting you. Thank you for ing.

John: Nice meeting you too. Thank you for seeing me.

Brent, I also need you to go through the books later.



Which books?



The financial records for last month.



What do you want me to look for?



I need you to make sure all of the bills were recorded accurately. I want you to see if you find any mistakes.



I will check to see if there are any errors.



I also need you to calculate our total expenses for that month.



Where can I find the financial records?



They should be in the accounting office.


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